Dreams and Visions
Pastoral Planning for Lifelong Faith Formation: The Definitive Guide
by Bill Huebsch
It's time to move from the theory about lifelong faith formation to the actual plans for implementation. In this fine planning guide, Bill Huebsch does just that. Calling on his work with dozens of dioceses and thousands of parishes over the past 30 years, the author is able to lay out in plain English a step-by-step method for doing the pastoral planning in each parish needed to start and sustain lifelong formation!
Supporting Resources
- Powerpoint Slide Presentation. Download here.
- Catechumenate & OCIA/RCIA. Please visit our resource page and our friends at TeamInitiation.com (formerly TeamRCIA).
- Vatican II. Visit our Vatican II Center for The Story and Promise of Vatican II in Plain English.
- Directory for Catechesis. The 1997 General Directory for Catechesis has been replaced by the newer 2020 Directory for Catechesis, which you can purchase and learn about here. The book The General Directory for Catechesis in Plain English is out of print.
- Retreats. The "Living Christ!" retreat has been updated and is now called the Sanctus Retreat. For more parish retreats, please see this page.
- Growing Faith and Adult Formation. The Growing Faith Project has been re-released in a new format, which you can learn about at this link. Note that the publisher no longer provides them as separate booklets, but in a reorganized set of books. We also highly recommend our newer resource, The Catholic Way, for this same kind of formation.
- Questions & Weekly Resources. Our free Questions of the Week can be found here. We have many other great resources to help you engage your people weekly in the Sunday Readings.
- Intergenerational Resources. Generations of Faith is now part of Fashioning Faith. Also explore our whole family catechesis resources.
- Welcoming & Hospitality. Find our free How to Invite and Welcome in God's Name toolkit and more at this link.
- Catechist Formation. Unfortunately, both Into the Fields and Echoes of Faith are now out of print. Please watch GrowingUpCatholic.com as we build out our new grant-funded ministry training center for family catechesis. Find other catechist formation resources here.
If you appreciate Dreams and Visions, we encourage you to consider Bill's newer parish leadership book, The Pastoral Parish in the Modern World.